About us
Who We Are
Refreshing Wind Ministries is a move of God which is being raised up to establish the Kingdom of God and restore the ministry of the first-century church across Canada and the United States.
Our Mission
To reach the lost and build up the body of Christ through discipleship.
Values & Vision
Acceptance without bias
Seeing lives changed
Living to fulfill the 5 purposes of God | Worship, Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry & Evangelism
Providing each member with the opportunity to discover, develop, activate & be released into their ministry
Pursuing faith, not in the wisdom of man but the power of God
Striving for community & unity within the body of Christ
Pursuing the restoration of Apostolic ministry founded in the book of Acts
Understanding the Bible as the inerrant Word of God & final authority in all
Statement of Faith
We believe in...
The one true and living God: Deuteronomy 6:4, 2 Corinthians 13:14, 1 Timothy 1:17; 3:16; 6:13-16
The maker of all creation, all-knowing, all-powerful, everywhere present, eternal Father
The source of all goodness, truth, and love
He manifested himself in His Son, Jesus Christ for the purpose of redemption and as the Holy Ghost for the purpose of intervening in the lives of people
The divine inspiration of the scriptures: 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21
The original manuscripts of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God given through people
The scriptures we possess today are the sufficient rule and practice of faith
Final authority of truth and salvation
The Gospel of Jesus Christ: Acts 10:38-40; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Colossians 2:9
He is the only begotten Son of God, born of a virgin and lived to show us the words and works of God
As the Savior, He was crucified on the cross and died in our place taking our place as the supreme sacrifice for sin. He was buried and rose again, exalted as King of kings and Lord of lords
As God manifest in the flesh, He is both God and man, in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily
The original apostolic plan of salvation: Acts 2:1-39; 10:40-48
Proclaimed on the Day of Pentecost, the day the New Testament church was founded
Included faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior,
Sincere repentance
Water baptism by full immersion in the name of Jesus Christ
Receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost by evidence of speaking supernaturally in other tounges
Living a life of holiness: Ephesians 4:21-24; 2 Timothy 1:9; Hebrews 12:14
Inwardly and outwardly as a result of the working of God's grace
The Word of God declares that all who follow Jesus should depart from sin and separate themselves from the evil practices of the age
Practicing genuine Christianity: Romans 12-12; Colossians 3-4
Love for God, people, prayer, obedience to the Word of God, heartfelt worship and praise, sharing our faith, commitment to marriage, helping those in need, honesty and diligence in employment, and honor and respect for our government
Dedication of time, talent, and treasure to advance the Kingdom of God on earth
The local and universal church: 1 Corinthians 12; Ephesians 4:4-16
Established by our Lord Jesus Christ as a unique fellowship for all who believe
The spiritual community ordained for worship, stewardship, and service to God and people, which every believer is invited to be a part
It is the body of Christ in the world today displaying the same miraculous power and spirirtual gifts experienced by the early church
The return of Jesus Christ: 1 Corinthians 15:51-55; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
At the glorious appearing of our Lord, both those who are alive in Christ and dead in Christ will rise meeting Him in the air to live a resurrected life with Christ forever
What to Expect
Welcome! We believe that every person who comes into the community of Refreshing Wind Ministries was sent by God Himself. Above all else, we want to express Jesus' love to you with heartfelt warmth. Our aim is to build lasting bonds within our church family. We see this community as a place to do as Jesus did: "He came not to be ministered unto but to minister." We accept this responsibility and look forward to serving with you.

How do I get to church if I don't have a ride?
Sunday services are held at 10am and Wednesday mid-week meetings are held at 7pm. Please contact us and we can arrange transportation for you for any of our weekly meetings.

What should I wear?
There is no dress code at our church. People are welcome to dress based on their personal convictions. Some people dress up and just as many come dressed casually. Our motto is "it doesn't matter what you wear as much as why you're there."

Why do you read and discuss the Bible so much?
To us, studying the Bible is vital because it not only instructs us intellectually but also guides us spiritually. We believe it and accept it as God's word to us and recognize it as a book that is alive and relevant to life today.

What if I would like to be baptized?
We would love to come alongside you in this incredible step in your journey of faith. Please check out our many resources on how the bible ties baptism into the born again experience. After doing so, please contact us so we can baptize you in the Name of the Lord Jesus!

What programs do you offer that can benefit my family?
For every person at every age level we offer special programs and ministries for children, youth and adults which fill the church calendar. You can be sure that in this kaleidoscope of activities there's more than one place where you can be personally enriched. Check out our ministry page for more details.
What are your services like?
Each service is unique and our desire is that our mode and styles of worship would align with what we read in the New Testament church. For a very descriptive breakdown of what our services are like, please see our "What is biblical worship?" page.

What kind of Church ministry are you?
Some might call us apostolic because we aim to preach the original plan of salvation Jesus taught the apostles to proclaim. Other's might call us Pentecostal or charismatic because we aim to propel the same experience and doctrine that began at Pentecost. Other's would simply label us as evangelical Christians because we seek new and relevant ways to reach our communities for Jesus. If we could answer this question ourselves, we would say that we are a Church community that is in love with Jesus and sees the Bible as our final authority for everyday life.

Kyle & Christa Wijnands
Northern Ontario Pastor Team

Ian & Janita Wijnands
Stratford Pastoral Team

Janita & Christa Wijnands
Children's Ministry Team

Kaitlyn Pugh, Doretta Bancroft & Ellen Kuepfer
Women's Ministry Leaders

Ian Wijnands
Men's Ministry Leader

Elizabeth Kuepfer, Kaitlyn Pugh & Stephanie Amsing
Thrive - Youth & Young Adults Leaders